IT2031 E-Commerce important Question for 7th sem IT - Elective Paper - Anna University Multiple Choice Questions

IT2031 E-Commerce important Question for 7th sem IT - Elective Paper

Part A
1.Explain Traditional Commerce.
2.Explain Electronic Commerce.
4.Describe Value Chains.
5.Explain Internet and WWW.
6.Describe role of WWW.
7.Describe role of E Commerce.
8.Explain strategic Business and Industry value chains.
9.Describe Industry value chains.
10.Advantages and Disadvantages of E Commerce.
11.Difference Between E-commerce and Traditional commerce.
12.What is Network
13.What are the important structure needed for e-commerce
14.Need of e-commerce
15.HTTp Request & HTTP Responce

Part B
1. Describe the issues related to Industry Value Chains
2. Explain the role of WWW and internet in E-Commerce
3. What is E-commerce and explain in functionalities
4. Various types of E-Business transaction Model

1.List any two salient features of packet switched networks.
2.What is the need for markup languages?
3.What are the benefits of intranet?
4.Features in TCP/IP
5.What is Client & server
6. State any two features of XML that are not present in HTML.
7. What is meant by Web Hosting?
8.What is the use of Web protals
9.List out the Internet Utility programs?
10.What is IP Addressing
11.Diff b/w HTML & XML
12.Define Extranet
13.Discuss About WiFi
14.Define GET & POST
15.Define Internet.

Part B
1. Describe WEB Client/Server Architecture
2. Illustrate the TCP/IP Protocol Suite
3. Role and support of E-commerce in XML & HTML
4. Explain in detail about packet Switched network.

1.Give any two examples for web server.
2.What is a web server?
3.What do you mean by Search Engine?
4.What are the types of agents
5.Mention some web Protocols
6.Functions of web server
7.Web Server Software Tools
8.What is PUSH Technology
9.What is Learning Agent
10.Performance Evaluation in Ecommerce
11.What is Price Analysis
12.What is Cost Analysis
13.What is Intelligent Agent
14.Diff b/w web server & web Client
15.Examples of Search engine

Part B
1. Explain the various web site design issues
2. Illustrate the Various Web based tool for e-Commerce
3. Explain the Role of Search Engine & Intelligent in E-Commerce
4. Various Characterises and properties of Intelligent agent

1.Define cryptography.
2. What is a digital signature?
3.What is meant by Intellectual Property
4.What is the need of security in E-commerce
5.Adv & Disadv of E-Cash
6.What is the Impact of Intelligent in E-commerce
7.What is the Risk associated with E-Payment
8.List out the E-commerce Threats
9.What is Authentication
10.What is Firewall
11.Give the use of Encryption
12.What is Security
13.Define Authentication
14.Define E-Cash
15.How to Protect Client Computers

Part B
1. Explain in details about Copy right & Intellectual Property
2. Discuss the various modes of E-Payment System
3. Classify the threats and Security in E-Commerce
4. Explain the functionalities of E-Cash

1. Give any two limitations of intelligent agent.
2. What are the Advantages of Online adverstisement
3. What are Search Engines?
4. Issues in web Design
5. Types of Internet Marketing
6. What is Web based marketing
7. Why Intelligent Agent in E-commerce
8. Various Security Issues
9. Features of search Engines
10. Diff b/w Software & Physical Agents
11. Various Marketing strategies through Web
12. Sensors & Actuvators
13. Two main problems to overcome in building Intelligent Agents
14. Define Knowledge based Approach
15. What is database searching?

Part B
1. Discuss the issues related to web based marketing. Quote some of the recent issues
2. Illustrate the various Issues in Web Site Design
3. Various Mechanisms in On-line advertisement & Search Engines
4. Various Marketing strategies

Read : Nov/Dec 2014 EC Question Paper

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