GE2112 Fundamentals of Computing and Programming MAY/JUNE 2010 QUESTION PAPER - Anna University Multiple Choice Questions

GE2112 Fundamentals of Computing and Programming MAY/JUNE 2010 QUESTION PAPER

Regulations 2008
First Semester
GE2112 Fundamentals of Computing and Programming

Time: Three Hours                                                  Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer ALL Questions

Part A - (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)

1. What are Mainframe computers? Give the name of any one Mainframe computer.
2. Convert 0.4375 decimal to binary system.
3. Di®erentiate between hardware and software.
4. What do you mean by URL? Mention its uses.
5. Write down steps involved in writing a program to solve a problem.
6. De¯ne the term Assembler
7. List out the rules to be followed in forming an identi¯er.
8. Write a C program for the following expressions.
i. a = 5 <= 8 && 6 ! = 5
ii. a = b++ + ++b where b = 50
9. What do you mean by a pointer? Mention its uses..
10. Determine the output for the following printf statements
{char *ptr="string";
printf("%c", *ptr++);
printf("%c", *(++ptr);
printf("%c", (*ptr)++);
printf("%c", ++*ptr ); }

                                     Part B - (5 x 16 = 80 Marks)

11. (a) Explain in detail the evolution of computers. (16)
11. (b) (i) How does one specify the con¯guration of a computer system? Give the signi¯-
cance of each term in it. (6)
(ii) Convert the hexadecimal number A5B to octal number.Explain each step involved
in the conversion. (10)

12. (a) (i) What i s system software? Explain various system software in detail. (8)
(ii) Brie°y explain the steps in software development. (8)
12. (b) (i) What is an internet? Explain its evolution and its services
(ii) Explain how internet connection can be established? (8)

13. (a) (i) Write down the algorithm to ¯nd the largest number among three given numbers
and outline the steps in the algorithm with the inputs 5, 17, 3.
(ii) Draw °owchart to compute the salary of an employee in a company. Assume that
there are two types of employees in the company daily wages and regular. Salary
i s calculated as number of hours worked* wages per hour for daily wagers and
basic pay +(% of DA * basic pay)/100 + HRA + medical allowance for regular
employees. Sketch the °ow of your design for a regular employee with basic pay
= 5000, % of DA = 75 % and HRA = 500. (8)
13. (b) (i) What is pseudo code? Explain how it can be designed and its bene¯ts and
limitations. (8)
(ii) Brie°y discuss about word processor and spread sheets. (8)

14. (a) (i) Develop a C program that computes and prints a table of factorials for a given
integer (8)
(ii) Describe the features of di®erent data types in C (8)
14. (b) (i) Explain brie°y the formatted and unformatted I/O functions in C. (8)
(ii) Write a C program to evaluate the following series.
15. (a) (i) Brie°y explain the various string handling functions in C. (4)
(ii) What do you mean by call by reference? Write a program in C to exchange the
value of two variables using call by reference. (6)
(iii) Write a C program to ¯nd the largest and smallest number in the given array.(6)
15. (b) (i) Write a C program to ¯nd the factorial of a given number using recursion. (6)
(ii) Write a C program to accept records of 20 states using array of structures. The
structure should contain name of the state and number of engineering colleges,
medical colleges, management colleges, science colleges. Calculate and display
the total colleges in each state and the state which i s having highest number of
colleges. (10)

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